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When I was new to prepping one of the top questions I had was how to store all the food that I had stockpiled? Emergency food is supposed to have a long shelf life, but can the way you store it have an effect on it? If you are gathering supplies for an emergency then of course you’re stock piling food, but if not stored properly then it all could be for nothing. 

First thing to do, as I mentioned briefly above, is make sure the food you’re storing has a long shelf-life. These foods will often be MREs, freeze-dried foods, dehydrated foods, nuts, grains, canned food… these products will often give you the shelf-life in years and could range anywhere from 12-30 years. According to Love to Know, dry foods are best stored in mylar bags that can then be placed inside plastic storage containers. You can also opt for food-grade buckets. 

Great, so now you have your food supply but where to store it? You want to look for somewhere that has good ventilation, where food won’t be in direct sunlight, temperature controlled ( below 80 degrees Fahrenheit is necessary, 70 degrees or lower is ideal), somewhere dry with no moisture or dampness, and free of pests, sates Urban Survival Site. If you’re not exactly sure what that place looks like try a basement, root cellar, closet, pantry, or spare bedroom. It’s important to note, however, that while these suggested places are usually fine you still need to make sure that they meet all the above requirements. For instance, if you plan to store your emergency food in your basement but your basement constantly has water seeping in, you might want to fix that first or consider a different area, says Love to Know.  

If you’re someone like me that has limited space available for emergency food storage then it’s time to get creative. My personal favorite is under-the-bed storage. I use these thin Rubbermaid containers with lockable handles that easily slide under the bed. I can put a few side by side and they fit a lot. You can also try under the couch, under the stairs, and anywhere else you think you can fit some items – maybe it’s at the back of your regular closet even. 

The most important thing to remember when storing your emergency food supply is don’t stress. You already did the hard part of gathering all the supplies. After that breather, just follow the above list of no-no’s and you will find the right spot in no time.

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#emergency food
#emergency preparedness
#go bags
#natural disaster
#survival tips