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When packing a go bag there are lots of items to account for and while people usually remember to pack the big essentials, there are some important items that often get overlooked. But trust me, you won't want to forget about them.

Food Prep

Food and water is usually where people usually start. You might have all those shelf-stable foods packed and enough water ready to go but what about preparing your food, storing your food, and cooking your food? It's crucial that you think about the items needed for that. Commonly overlooked items that fall under the food and water category are matches, pots, utensils, measuring cups, manual can opener, plates, napkins ( reusable is best), even spices ( tip: you can pack some in a Tic Tac container), cups, and canteens.

First Aid

Right now you might be thinking "hello, of course I remembered to pack a first aid kit, first thing I did!" I believe you, but does it really have everything you need? Most people buy pre-made first aids kits and toss it in their bag without thinking about the items our household uses everyday. For instance any medications you or a family member takes including rescue medications like inhalers and epipens. Then there's other things like hard candies if there is a diabetic in your household, extra batteries for hearing aids.  Another common mistake is assuming your first aid kit will have the pain relievers you normally take, but that's not always the case. Double check that your kit has Motrin, Tylenol, especially if you have kids that might need the children's version. You will also want to add some allergy medications like Benadryl or Zyrtec as well as contact lens solution and backup pairs of glasses if applicable. The bottom line is if there is something in this arena that you use everyday make sure it is accounted for in your go bag.


Hygiene items are so often overlooked but you definitely want to make sure you pack things like shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products as well. If you are someone who is currently breastfeeding you might want to consider any shields or creams. I suggest you take a few minutes to think about your normal routine and list any items you feel necessary to that routine. Sometimes it helps to have each family member write out a list of their everyday items and you can then pair it down with them for space-saving purposes.


When packing a go bag it's best to assume that the power will go out at some point. People tend to pack backup equipment in case the power goes out, like flashlights, but often forget backup power sources like extra chargers, batteries, and battery packs for your phones and devices. You should also think about power sources that don't require electricity or batteries like solar chargers.


I know that when you're packing a go bag the first things on your list are always high-priority essentials like food and water so the idea that you might be stuck somewhere for quite a few days nothing to do often goes overlooked. It's always a good idea to pack some items to keep you and your family entertained: books, magazines, paper, crayons, markers, games, puzzles, etc. You don't have to pack your entire craft room or game shelf but think about a few items that you can get the most mileage of.


Don't forget about your pets. Just like the humans in your household, your pets need their own emergency items packed and ready to go. Don't forget food, water, toys, leashes, crates for smaller animals, a pet first aid kit and any medications they might be on. Most of the categories of items you will need, so will your pets so make sure they're covered.

Important Documents

Can't stress this enough, back up your important documents and stick copies ( hard or on a thumb drive) in your go bag. Birth certificates, health records, mortgage and insurance papers, medication lists, social security cards, licenses, etc. You might also want to consider having a list of important passwords either in a notebook or on an external hard drive. Tip: you should also put emergency contact information on a card and laminate it or seal it in a plastic bag.


This seems like an obvious one, but when you're mile-long checklist is made up of food, water, and medical supplies, and extra pair of socks might get buried at the bottom or not make the cut. But because you can be away from your home for a while it's important to have a spare comfortable clothing especially because items can get dirty or wet (or both). Also, I was serious about the socks-- bring a few pairs.

Survival Items:

There are a few extra things that you may not need but could prove very handy and should be packed: rope, clips, tarps, sewing kit, pliers, knife, signaling tools like flares, hunting/protection items, spare keys to your car and home, compass, ear plugs, bug repellant, netting if you live in a swampy area, and bleach tablets for cleaning. 

This is the end of our list, and we hope you won't overlook these important items now!

#bug out bags
#emergency preparedness
#emergency evacuation
#emergency food
#go bags
#natural disaster
#outdoor survival
#survival tips