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Staying safe during a wildfire can be scary, they move fast and conditions can change quickly so it’s often hard to predict when and where to go. It’s important to know how you can best stay safe, especially if you live in an area prone to wildfires. 

We’ve compiled a list of safety tips and well as gear to help keep you safe. 

  1. Keeping safe starts with your lawn and yard. Make sure that it’s clear of debris like leaves, dry plants and grass, or overgrowth and these can help fire spread more quickly. 
  1. Also, keep in mind that if you have a garden consider planting fire-resistant plants like: California Lilac, Colombia Lily, Fireweed, Bear Grass, Camassia, Manzanita, Ocotillo, and Yucca. 
  1. Seal any holes in your home’s exterior so that embers cannot fly in. 
  1. Have an evacuation plan and meeting place in case family members are separated. And make sure to practice that plan so that everyone is super clear on it in case of emergency. 
  1. Evacuate calmly and look ahead for road detours and closures. 
  1. If you have a lot of notice and have somewhere to go ahead of time, then feel free to prepare to grab sentimental things. But the first priority should be your go bag and tools to stay safe. 
  1. Listen to alerts and local advice on when you can return to your home. Don’t try to before it’s cleared. 
  1. Most importantly, try to stay calm. It can of course be extremely hard in distressing conditions but it’s important so that you have a clear mind and can easily evacuate, shelter, and keep safe. 

Now that you have some tips to stay safe, here’s some gear that can help keep you and your family protected: 

  • Masks ( N95 respirators or P100 masks, both of which are approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health for health care workers and firefighters. Air quality can really be poor in a wildfire event so make sure you can protect your airway) 

Now that you have some tips and a list of gear you’ve taken the first step to preparing for a wildfire!

#emergency evacuation
#emergency preparedness
#natural disaster