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When prepping your go bag  essentials like food and water have to be on your packing list, but it can be tricky to know how much to pack, what kind to pack, what you’ll need. It can be daunting, but we’re here to help. 

First, before getting to  the actual items, let's talk about the amount of food you should pack. The general rule  is to have three-days worth for each person in your household. However, if you do have extra room and are able to pack more, then do that. It’s always better to have more just in case.  Backdoor Survival recommends choosing foods that are light and take up less space that way you can fit more, and it’s also better if you have to move around. 

Onto the actual food,  while it might be tempting to rely on your favorite comfort foods in case of emergency, you have to make sure that anything you're packing is non-perishable. You can pack things that go bad but then you will have to constantly make sure to eat them before the expiration date and then replenish with new items. That’s doable, but it will be less of a headache if you stock up on foods with very long shelf-lives. 

If you have to evacuate your home and shelter somewhere then you won’t have an endless supply of food at your disposal so make what you have count! Choose foods that are filling and provide nutrition.

The final thing to consider when choosing foods is preparation. Often in the case of an evacuation you’ll have limited access to water and may not even have a heat source to cook with.  For instance, if you are sheltering from a tornado the last thing you want is an open flame when there could be broken gas lines– that could cause an explosion. It’s best to choose foods that don’t require cooking or water (if it’s a very minimal amount of water that’s ok, but you’ll want to save water for hydration and sanitation).  

Above is the roadmap you should follow when finding the right foods to include in your go bag. If you need some ideas, try these:

(*If you will have access to a safe cooking method and water ( for instance if you are sheltered in a hotel with a kitchen and clean water) then you can consider options that require cooking. Marked with * above.) 

Now you have a comprehensive list of foods that are easy to find, easy to pack, and will be at the ready in case of emergency. Use  it as a jumping-off point to build a food supply that suits your family. Now you have the roadmap and some ideas, but it’s okay to stray a little. In trying times you might just want a chocolate bar or two.

#go bags
#bug out bags
#emergency preparedness
#natural disaster
#emergency food